Describe, in plane-based terminology, the motions of the joints and various bones of the foot in the open and closed kinematic chains.
Discuss the kinesiologic benefits of optimizing functioning alignment.
Describe the verticality drive and its role in lower extremity (LE) deformity development in ambulatory children with bilateral CP.
Describe the role of the foot and ankle load receptors in the achievement and maintenance of postural control in standing and gait.
Relate body weight acceleration to gait development – typical and pathologic.
Describe the connection between excessive pronation and equinus deformity development.
Identify the deformities of the foot and ankle that occur most commonly in children with CNS dysfunction and describe the segments of illustrated deformities in plane-based terms.
Discuss the validity of the prevailing presumption that spasticity causes equinus deformity.
Discuss the growing evidence of muscle tissue pathology resulting from any Botox-A injection.
and so much more!