Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants: Florida: Progressive Gaitways is a rule approved provider of the PT Board of Florida #50-45480. (1.5 hours)
California: Progressive Gaitways has been approved as a provider of continuing education for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants in California (CA) by Redefine Health Education, a recognized approval agency of the Physical Therapy Board of CA. (1.5 hours)
Illinois: Progressive GaitWays is a licensed CE sponsor of physical therapy continuing education by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR # 216.000408)
Courses approved by other state boards in the following jurisdictions are likely accepted for licensure credit based on the state regulation.
AL | AK | AR | CO | CT | DE | GA | HI | ID | IN | IA | KS | KY | ME | MA | MI | MO | MT | NE | NH | NC | ND | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | UT | VT | VA | VI | WA | WI | WY
Please reach out to your state licensing board to confirm the currency and accuracy of this information. If you have a specific question about CEU approval for this course in your state, please direct your inquiry to [email protected]
The following states are not pre-approved: LA, MN, NV, NY, NJ, OH, OK, TX, WV
Participants licensed in states not pre-approved may file for individual approval using the instructions on this document.
For Orthotists: The W-Sitting course has been approved for 1.75 scientific contact hours by ABC.