Course Description

This course addresses the typical development of postural alignment and control and its significance in healthy and pathologic sensorimotor and orthopedic development. The discussion includes a review of sciences of optimum postural alignment, control, and movement acquisition including kinesiology, biomechanics, sensory input, physiologic adaptation, massed practice, and treatment principles drawn from S.A. Sahrmann’s Movement Systems Analysis. Science-based management strategies using TheraTogs™ systems to improve functioning torso alignment in daily life with photographs and videotaped cases are presented. This course is the foundational course to become a Certified TheraTogs Fiitter.

Who Should Take this Course

This course is intended to enhance the knowledge of a range of qualified clinicians who are likely to work together to maximize physical function, including: physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, orthotists, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants and  physiatrists. 

Learning Level: Beginner/Intermediate 

Attendees who successfully complete this Online course qualify to attend the associated lab course to obtain certification as a TheraTogs Fitter Level 1.


Group discounts available: contact [email protected] for details.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, students are expected to...

  • Name the primary benefit of antigravity righting reactions to body COM (weight) shifts in daily function.

  • Name the three planes of acquisition of antigravity muscle function and control in the neck and torso in sequential order.

  • Name the most fundamental component of motor development.

  • Relate postural alignment to somatosensory input from loaded joints and segments.

  • Describe the relationship between postural control and the acquisition and functional limb use.

  • Compare the status of sensory processing in typically developing children to that of children with hypotonia and cerebral palsy.

  • Describe the physiologic effects of massed practice of balance and movement skills on the developing musculoskeletal system.

  • Explain Sahrmann’s attention to muscle recruitment strategies in the management of muscle contractures.

  • Explain Sahrmann’s focus on shortening the dominant muscles and using them in their shortened state before attempting to lengthen the shortened, dominant muscles.

  • Apply one principle from each of the sciences discussed in this program to the use of TheraTogs systems designed to improve functioning torso alignment in daily life.

Course Completion Requirements

  • Section Videos and Quizzes

    Watch each section video in its entirety. Complete all quizzes with a score of 80% or better. You get unlimited attempts to pass the quizzes.

  • Course Evaluation

    Let us know what you thought and how we can improve this course. Complete the course evaluation at the end of the course to receive your course completion certificate.

  • Course Access Period

    Once you have registered, you will have 120 days to review the course material. Each section must be completed before moving on to the next, but you can review any completed section at any time.


Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants: Florida: Progressive Gaitways is a rule approved provider of the PT Board of Florida #50-45480. (4.5 hours) 

California: Progressive Gaitways has been approved as a provider of continuing education for Physical Therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants in California (CA) by Redefine Health Education, a recognized approval agency of the Physical Therapy Board of CA. (4.75 hours)

Illinois: Progressive GaitWays
is a licensed CE sponsor of physical therapy continuing education by the
Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR # 216.000408)

Texas: This course is approved for 4.75 contact hours by the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners through March 1, 2026. Course #78631TX. 

Courses approved by other state boards in the following jurisdictions are likely accepted for licensure credit based on the state regulation.

 AL | AK | AR | CO | CT | DE | GA | HI | ID | IN | IA | KS | KY | ME | MA | MI | MO | MT | NE | NH | NC | ND | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | UT | VT | VA | VI | WA | WI | WY 

NOTE: Courses approved by other APTA chapters in the following jurisdictions are likely accepted for licensure credit based on the state regulation. 

AZ | DC | MD | MS | NM 

Please reach out to your state licensing board to confirm the currency and accuracy of this information. If you have a specific question about CEU approval for this course in your state, please direct your inquiry to [email protected] 

The following states are not pre-approved: 


Participants licensed in states not pre-approved may file for individual approval using the instructions on this document.

For Orthotists: The Posture & Torso Alignment  course has been approved for 4.75 scientific contact hours by ABC. 

For Occupational Therapists: Progressive GaitWays, LLC is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. PD activity approval ID# 7689. This Distance Learning-Independent activity is offered for .475 CEUs,  an intermediate learning level, in the OT Service Delivery and Foundational Knowledge categories. AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.


Group discounts available: contact [email protected] for details.

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to the course!

    2. Course Resources

    3. Introduction

    4. Section 1. Foundations in Science: Postural Control Acquisition & Significance

    5. Section 2. Building the Foundation

    6. Section 3. Building Upon the Foundation

    7. Section 4. Postural Control Deficit in Cerebral Palsy

    8. Section 5. Significance of Trunk Control in Cerebral Palsy

    9. Session 1: Wrapping Up

    10. Session 1: Review Quiz

    1. Section 6. Bringing MSA to Neuromusculo-skeletal Management

    2. Section 7. Muscle Imbalance in Children with Cerebral Palsy

    3. Section 8. MSA-Based Treatment Principles

    4. Section 9. Clinical Evidence of MSA-Based Interventions

    5. Session 2: Review Quiz

    1. Section 10. Postural Assessments: Introduction

    2. Section 11. Resting Posture: Prone

    3. Section 12. Resting Posture: Supine

    4. Section 13. Resting Posture: Sitting

    5. Section 14. Resting Posture: Quadruped

    6. Section 15. Resting Posture: Standing

    7. Section 16. Assess & Address the Trunk First

    8. Session 3: Review Quiz

    1. Section 17. On TheraTogs Research

    2. Section 18. TheraTogs Effects: Postural & Functioning Alignment

    3. Section 19. TheraTogs Effects: Muscle Recruitment

    4. Section 20. TheraTogs Effects: Lower Extremity Muscle Extensibility

    5. Section 21. TheraTogs Effects: Sitting / Standing Balance

    6. Section 22. TheraTogs Effects: Muscle Strength

    7. Section 23. TheraTogs Effects: Motor Skills Acquisition

    8. Section 24. Research: Closing Considerations

    9. Session 4: Review Quiz

    1. Section 25. Product Contents, Properties, Limitations & Contraindications

    2. Section 26. Routine Use Requirements

    3. Section 27. Training Caregivers Towards Compliance

    4. Section 28. Managing TheraTogs Effectively

    1. Section 29. The Dragonfly TLSO

    2. Sessions 5 & 6: Review Quiz

About this course

  • $79.00
  • 42 lessons

Interested in Becoming Certified TheraTogs Fitter?

Our Certified TheraTogs Fitter courses will help you gain expertise in customizing TheraTogs garment systems to optimize your client’s outcomes. TheraTogs are an adjunct, carry-over modality that supports your clinical efforts in-between therapy sessions and can provide up to 50 hours of therapy a week.


President / Senior Instructor Beverly (Billi) Cusick

Beverly (Billi) Cusick PT, MS, NDT, COF/BOC is an internationally known pediatric physical therapist whose specialty is the orthopedic development and orthotic management of children with cerebral palsy and other neuromotor deficits.

She has been teaching these and related topics since 1978 - including presentations by invitation for the APTA, AACPDM, AOPA, and AAOP and more than 460 full programs and workshops worldwide.

Ms. Cusick received her BS in PT from Bouve College at Northeastern University in Boston, MA in 1972, and her MS in Clinical and College Teaching for Allied Health Professionals from the University of Kentucky in Lexington in 1988. She is an Associate Professor for the Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions – Pediatrics Program – Provo, Utah (2006-present) and is NDT basic- and baby-trained.

Financial Disclosure: Instructor Beverly Cusick PT, MS, NDT, COF/BOC is the inventor of TheraTogs orthotic garment systems and co-founder of TheraTogs, Inc. She is also the co-founder and President of Progressive GaitWays, LLC. She possesses a financial interest in both companies.